Agile for Software Development


Training Strategy

As Agile is a mindset before being a process or a way of work, So the training is essential for the clarity and mindset shift.
The mindset which enables you and your company to build the right thing for your client in a satisfying way yet cost effective way, and react to market and client changes effectively with a motivated skilled team.

Our training and workshop will provide you with knowledge, hands on experience on Scrum and Agile methods and above all the learning and mindset shift journey to being agile.

As we believe agile is a mindset, we run our training in an interactive way including a lot of exercises, discussions and workshops to make sure the attendees can go through their practical work using the agile methods and clearing their misconceptions, fears and challenges.

want a program fits you?

Contact us and we will work to design the best fit program for you.

Target Audiences

  • Delivery teams (all functions development, graphics, testing etc)
  • Business specialists who work with teams to have the agile mindset shift and know how to deal with teams
  • Management to understand team dynamics and have the right mindset to support the team through their journey to agility.
Target Audiences



Agile mindset


Agile Teams


Agile Frameworks


Agile Requirements


Agile Planning


Scrum – Deep Dive

Program duration

        24 hours

Contact us for quotation and execution schedule

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